Recently, I asked a colleague what he wished he could learn from the judge who was listening to his argument at bar. He said that his...

Don't Be Quiet
We are into the second month of our New Year resolutions. If you are like most, you are still waiting to execute the promises you made,...

Thanksgiving Reflections
As we wind down the year, some of us are already planning our options in the coming year. That includes me. But, while our new year...

Language is the Key
Contrary to popular belief, it is not the thought that counts - it's the way you express that thought. I'll go one step further and...

ArtificiaI Intelligence Is Great, But People Still Rule
Hooray for technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will soon take over our chores. You can set the task and go to the beach, movies,...

New Year Mantra
Santa made his list for Christmas -- hope you were on it, or whatever other list you may subscribe to. Now, it's time to make our list...

The Importance of the Lawyer
The title, itself, will create a stir, even from the lawyers. But , hear me out. In this age of electronics, autonomous and faceless...

Motion Practice is the New Trial Practice
Since a large percentage (upwards of 95%) of cases are settled well before trial, your only opportunity to argue your case before the...